Hypertonic seawater


What is hypertonic seawater?


Hypertonic seawater is the state in which oceanic liquid can be found while preserving its natural properties thanks to the AQP protocol. Among its main chemical characteristics, we can highlight a concentration of mineral salts of 33 gr/l, as well as an osmolarity of 2,400 mOsm.

Nutritional uses of hypertonic seawater


Hypertonic seawater is appropriate as a nutritional supplement in situations where more electrolytes are required, those where the hydromineral balance of our cells is altered. Furthermore, it is especially useful in the replacement of fundamental trace elements at low doses.

Pure Seawater: 78 completely bioavailable elements

From a nutritional point of view, at present, our bodies cannot extract all the minerals necessary from common foods for its proper functioning.

However, recovering mineral balance is necessary in order to restore internal conditions and good overall health.

This is possible thank to hypertonic seawater, which provides all the minerals and trace elements necessary for cell regeneration and nutrition in a bioavailable form. The minerals, organic compounds and genetic material stored in seawater form a matrix of biological information that helps us during states of deficiency and cell detoxification.

Research and studies related to the consumption of hypertonic seawater

"Physiological changes in athletes after drinking microfiltered and sterilized seawater I and II (2012)"Catholic University of Murcia

According to this study, hypertonic seawater that has undergone cold microfiltration favours fatigue recovery thanks to:

  • An increase in sodium to avoid hypotonic hyponatremia.
  • An increase in bicarbonate that will prevent acidosis.
  • Facilitates the supply of carbohydrates that the body demands.
  • Facilitates hydromineral homeostasis.

Hypertonic seawater use for sports


Currently, hypertonic solutions are a great sport resource thanks to their ability to replace electrolytes. Given that excessive sweating (in which hyperhydration occurs at the expensive of the mineral component) could lead to significant sodium loss and consequently, a decrease in physical performance. In this case, hypertonic seawater significantly helps one naturally recover these minerals.

In addition, this aspect becomes more important during periods of high exercise intensity and hot environments. Taking into account that the average sweat rate in athletes is 1.5 litres per hour, with a concentration of approximately 35-40mmol/l solutes, excessive sweating can lead to hyponatremia, hypovolaemia and alterations in muscle conduction and contraction with the production of cramps. Therefore, it is of vital importance to keep well-hydrated and replenish lost minerals.

Diverse studies carried out by experts from the University of Alicante and the Departments of Prevention and Treatment of Athelete Injuries at the Catholic University of Murcia demonstrate the effectiveness of the use of cold microfiltered seawater as a 100% natural mineral supply to immediately address hypotonic hyponatremia in athletes.